We are pleased to introduce HyRAM, an innovative street maintenance and rehabilitation system designed to provide significant benefits to your city’s residential streets.  Our team would like to highlight the following advantages of implementing HyRAM:


  1. Cost Savings: Independent analysis shows a 40-50% savings compared to total reconstruction strategies.
  2. Rapid Construction CompletionHyRAM reduces construction time from weeks to days, in most cases eliminating break-through and change orders on McAdam streets, unlike deeper cold plane and overlay strategies.
  3. Minimized Public Liabilities: HyRAM™’s design eliminates deep edge grinds, drop-offs, and uneven access to driveways, thereby significantly reducing trip hazards and property damage.  This results in a substantial decrease in public liability, creating a safer environment for residents and the public in general.
  4. Enhanced Resident AccessibilityHyRAM ensures continuous access to residences, unlike Slurry Cape Seals which can restrict access.  Additionally, HyRAM™ eliminates the issues associated with Slurry Seals, including:
    • Slurry tracking
    • Traffic damage on wet slurry
    • Vehicle scuffing from turning on freshly treated streets
    • Poor ride characteristics
    • By avoiding these common problems, HyRAM minimizes public inconvenience and ensures uninterrupted access for residents.
  5. Sustainable StrategyHyRAM reduces emissions and lowers a city’s carbon footprint, aligning with legislatively mandated requirements.
  6. Smooth Ride: The completed HyRAM surface has the same smooth ride as a brand-new street, unlike the uneven, irregular finish of a Slurry Cape Seal.

We welcome the opportunity to provide additional information and answer any questions you may have.

We propose scheduling a meeting to discuss how HyRAM can optimize your city’s street maintenance program.  Our team is also available to:

  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of your current Pavement Management Plan
  • Perform a physical field survey to identify suitable streets for HyRAM application

We look forward to meeting with you and explore how our innovative solution can benefit your city.

Please contact us to schedule a team member to meet with you at (323) 558-8000 or info@hyrap.com